Medication Management
Sometimes medication along with therapy is needed to treat Behavioral and Mental Health disorders. An individual may have developed a chemical disorder in the brain and medications act on the brain and the nervous system by rebalancing brain chemicals related to things like aggressiveness, anxiousness, mood changes, cravings, restlessness and more. Each individual is different and the response to medication varies by each individual. This is why we offer medication management to help determine the effectiveness of a medication for our clients and create changes on doses and prescriptions as necessary. It is important to follow up and do regular check-ups to ensure that the medication is effective and that client is taking their medication as prescribed and directed.
Psychiatric Evaluations
Psychiatric evaluations are an important step to understanding an individual’s condition. We need to assess the psychosocial health is in relation to one’s thoughts, social and emotional relationships, and other factors. The information gathered in an evaluation can help your provider create a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan. Treatment plans serve as a guide for the professional during sessions to address and explore the issues related to the symptoms bringing it to the client’s attention. This way they can work on understanding the root of the problem and implement healthier tools for the client too utilize.
We provide telehealth services for behavioral and mental health services so that if you are in a rural area or you can't make it to an office you can access the support and services you or a loved one needs wherever they are located. Comfortability plays a huge role in an individual’s openness to receiving treatment. Making behavioral health services available remotely allows individuals to have the same quality support they may get with in-person sessions but with the benefit of having it in an environment where they feel most comfortable. All clients have to do is schedule an appointment with us and one of our behavioral health professionals will be available to get you setup for services.​

RichRose Family and Behavioral Healthcare INC.
An Adult, Child and Adolescent psychiatric practice providing telehealth services throughout Texas. We provide thorough Psychiatric evaluations, diagnosis and treatment of various mental health services. We specialized in the treatment of Major Depression, Anxiety disorder, substance abuse/addiction, Bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD and other mental health disorders. We look forward to working together with you and the family to achieve your goals of symptom remission, better functioning, and improved wellbeing.

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” ― John Green